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Month: June 2015

Transforming Images to Feature Vectors

I’m keen to explore some challenges in multimodal learning, such as jointly learning visual and textual semantics. However, I would rather not start by attempting to train an image recognition system from scratch, and prefer to leave this part to researchers who are more experienced in vision and image analysis.

Therefore, the goal is to use an existing image recognition system, in order to extract useful features for a dataset of images, which can then be used as input to a separate machine learning system or neural network. We start with a directory of images, and create a text file containing feature vectors for each image.

1. Install Caffe

Caffe is an open-source neural network library developed in Berkeley, with a focus on image recognition. It can be used to construct and train your own network, or load one of the pretrained models. A web demo is available if you want to test it out.

Follow the installation instructions to compile Caffe. You will need to install quite a few dependencies (Boost, OpenCV, ATLAS, etc), but at least for Ubuntu 14.04 they were all available in public repositories.

Once you’re done, run

make test
make runtest

This will run the tests and make sure the installation is working properly.